We have partnered with Daily Fun Spot to offer an art project to children in our community
Coffee County Children's
Advocacy Center
Coffee County Children's Advocacy Center
104 N. Spring Street
Manchester, TN 37355
Stacy Morales Garcia shares information about the importance of preventing child abuse
Drug endangered children are abuse endangered children
We can combat child abuse together
Coffee County sees more cases of child abuse compared to other counties in Tennessee
‘Children are our future.’ Learn the red flags to stop child abuse.
Coffee County CAC holds Join Our Quest to End Child Abuse Event Aug. 28
New Mural comes to Manchester with Free Aug. 28 event at Soccer Fields
Community members need to prevent child sexual abuse
Becky Buller lends her talent and voice to help raise awareness of child abuse
Assistant District Attorney Jason Ponder talks about the terrible repercussions of child abuse
Child abuse can lead to injuries, death; has long-term damaging effects to individuals and community
Coffee County CAC holds first child abuse prevention training for Hispanic community
Judge Perry: The effects of child abuse are very prevalent in our county
Coffee County CAC to ensure Tullahoma City plans for the future include children’s wellbeing
Coffee County CAC, United Way of Highway 55 aim to provide bright future for children
Sgt. Laura Nettles fights child abuse in Coffee County
Thank you for joining our quest to end child abuse!
Coffee County CAC offers free training to Hispanic community
Prusak and Cawley complete training to become authorized Darkness to Light facilitators