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Coffee County CAC, United Way of Highway 55 aim to provide bright future for children


Coffee County Children’s Advocacy Center is thankful for the support of United Way of Highway 55.

“We wouldn’t be able to help provide hope and healing to children and families who experience severe child abuse without donations, the support of community members and organizations such as United Way of Highway 55,” said Joyce Prusak, executive director of Coffee County CAC.

Coffee County CAC serves children who are victims of abuse through prevention, education and intervention. The center strives to reduce trauma and provide healing to children and families.

“Child abuse is a serious problem in Coffee County,” Prusak said. “Last year, there were 347 referrals received for services in Coffee County.”

In 2020, there were: 333 total severe child abuse investigations; 4 investigations involving the death of a child; 244 investigations involving sexual abuse allegations.

“Think about these children and the trauma and sadness they have experienced,” Prusak said. “I see the grief in children’s eyes when they enter the center, and it’s devastating. But what makes our job rewarding is the notion we can make a positive impact. The children we serve heal and have a chance for a bright and happy future.”

Fortunately, child abuse can be fought and prevented. With the help of community members, Coffee County can become a community free of child abuse. You can help by learning to spot red flags, supporting Coffee County CAC’s programs and donating to the center.

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